Friday, January 23, 2009

I was preparing the kids for their nursery this morning when out of sudden Kakak said,"Lambatnya nak balik". I know what she meant was "lambat lagi ke nak balik rumah".
I was like,"Hmmm?Kakak selalu cakap macam tu ke kat school?".
Then she replied,"Ha'ah".
What is that suppose to mean?
I know she is getting better and feels more comfortable now at school rather than when she was first sent there 5 months ago. Adik as well.
But I guess, there were times when she felt lonely and missing us,
her Umi and Abah perhaps, though surrounded by friends and teachers.

I hope she would be able to cope with it, my poor girl. It is just temporary, and besides, she seem to gain alot these days. The nursery has done a great job. They write, they colour, sing, read, play and they even perform solat together. That's the kind of things that I would want my kids to enjoy. Of course, the full responsibility is on us, but at least they got to learn from us when we are together and with friends and teacher when they are at school.

Hopefully Kakak and Adik will understand these. Umi and Abah loves you both very much and are working hard for the best in our lives.

This requires us to sacrifice and part from each other during the days. But, I promise, when Umi and Abah come back from work, we will play and cope up with each other like always, okay sayang? So don't be sad, just enjoy yourself and laugh a lot.

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